The Chiropractic Solution Any effort to treat golf-related injury or improve the golf swing requires a combined approach that addresses both the joint mechanics AND muscle flexibility. Joint mechanics are best addressed with corrective chiropractic adjustments to the affected joints. Active Release muscle therapy is effective at restoring flexibility to tight damaged muscles. Working with chiropractors who understand golf and the swing mechanics of the sport can be a life-saver. Chiropractors not only help golfers feel better by readjusting and decompressing their spine , but can also provide advice that helps them prevent future injury and even lower their score.
To hit longer and more powerful golf shots you must be willing to improve your posture and flexibility – the domain of Chiropractic care for over 100 years
Please call your Chiropractor at Impulse Chiropractic on (02) 9939 8817 or visit our clinic at 15/64 Pitt Road in North Curl Curl for more information.]]>